Rundt om Byggeriet
'Rundt om Byggeriet' er en podcast med fokus på byggeri under fire overordnede emner; bæredygtigt byggeri, innovation & iværksætteri, uddannelse og ugens snak. Hvert afsnit er en unik samtale med en eller flere personer, der enten har erfaring, viden eller ekspertise inden for det emne, vi gennemgår. Om du er blandt de mere end 180.000, der er beskæftiget i byggebranchen, om du står over for et personligt byggeprojekt eller blot interesserer dig for en spændende samtale, vil der med stor sandsynlighed være ét eller flere afsnit for dig. Husk at følge podcasten på vores Instagram og Facebook @rundtombyggeriet
Rundt om Byggeriet
81. Ugens Snak: Biobaseret byggeri, bunker på Fyn og diskutabel kommunikation til brugere af branchen
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I denne uges episode er Casper Arndt Løvenfald ugens medvært - vi drøfter kommende emner til podcasten, herunder boligmarkedet og den retorik, der af banker, ejendomsmæglere og andre bliver brugt til at fordre til nedrivning og nybyg frem for bevaring og/eller renovering. Derudover taler vi om emner med fokus på den kommende generation af branchen både på uddannelsesområdet men også inden for innovation og iværksætteri, og hvad sommeren byde på af afsnit.
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Din vært: Carina Løvenfald Christiansen
Ugens medvært: Casper Arndt Løvenfald
Welcome to Rundt om Byggeriet. My name is Carina Löwenfeldt-Christiansen and, together with this week's guest, we dive into an issue that relates to byggeriet. Remember to follow us on your favorite social media. Thank you for listening, hi Kasper.
Speaker 3:Hi, what up, what up, what up, hi, sarah, do I?
Speaker 2:have to open it. No, do you want to hear a really funny one? Do you know what to shut the battery means? No, I have found out. I don't know if it's just in the craft industry or if it's just an expression you use but to suck on batteries is to drink energy drinks. I have a friend who started a company and they used this with.
Speaker 3:We drink coffee and we use batteries and that means to drink a energy drink and or there are some who it means something completely different and there are some who have been funny and said it all the time no, because I was been funny friends and said it all the time.
Speaker 2:No, because I was with two friends. No, and one of them could confirm that they also used it at her workplace. But outside the lab the guys out there used the same thing.
Speaker 3:No, funny, I've never heard of that.
Speaker 2:Neither have I, but it's pretty funny. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah Funny, but that's not what we were supposed to talk about. We're going through a summer period in Møde. We've already started the summer weather, the Danish summer weather, so it's really warm. You can just think, yes, summer is over, and then the rain comes.
Speaker 3:Yes, it's really classic.
Speaker 2:Yes, but also very liberating, in a way that there is a little, so you put both forms for weather. Yes. So I don't have to cycle in it.
Speaker 3:Yes, that's what I started with.
Speaker 2:Yes, the same here. It's really. I have a bike to pick up kids in and it's great for them because they can just get that stretch over the bike and then it's just me them, because they can just get that stretch over the bike, and then it's just me sitting in the pool and finding myself, but it's great because you can do one thing and hunger still keep you a little dry.
Speaker 2:But we have a part on the program over the summer and will continue to publish every week. We have, since last time, published some, I think, quite exciting episodes and there will be a lot more of that. We have our overarching topics, where we will, in the coming time, also have much more focus on education, just our entire educational system, because how do we get this industry, how do we get young people to see the potential in what the industry can actually offer?
Speaker 3:Yes, I mentioned to you. I have a friend who has just been graduated graduated is that what it's called? Electrician?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:He just took a swan guild this weekend. Færdiguddanner hedder det vel Ja, elektriker, ja, hadde været bare til hans svendegilde I weekenden, mm. Men det var jo meget sjovt at prøve at tale med ham.
Speaker 2:Mm.
Speaker 3:Og sådan en gang ja.
Speaker 2:Sådan helt ny udklækket. Ja, Ja, jeg gad jo også godt og fortsatt. Vi har jo, for many, many episodes, had some female guests with us who have been through different parts of the education system in this industry, but I still think it would be great to get diversity into the line in relation to education. Then we have sustainable building as one of our very large subjects.
Speaker 3:Yes, that's what it became.
Speaker 2:Yes, and I have it also a little. You can't, I think it's you have to look into.
Speaker 3:It's also quite funny in a way. I never thought it was. I don't know. I just think that being away from talking about green change and all these things to us being a niche part of the building industry, until we got the idea to start it, it wasn't with the intention that we started the podcast, was it?
Speaker 2:No, it was purely internally building, industry-wise we started it.
Speaker 3:And it's also in a way it has evolved into it's what fills something in the building industry right now. It's that it's not useful at all. Now I'm just saying, for example, we've also talked about this in a previous episode and I've always had this feeling oh, it could be mega cool to talk about some cool innovative companies and solutions in the industry. But I don't think you can create something new, innovative if it's not something that talks into it. No, sustainable building is like going through the whole building industry.
Speaker 2:You could say and that's what it's all about. Because it's a business, I mean it well, it's cool.
Speaker 3:It's also opened my eyes to how important it is Exactly.
Speaker 2:And what I'm feeling a little bit, it's that there are many in the industry who are ready to take this step in a green direction and a lot of businesses and industry-specific and industry people are super ready.
Speaker 2:It's just a bigger puzzle but also a bigger machinery that has to hang together and I just had this talk with Jonas Aarsø, the architect Jonas Aarsø from Nicolova Aarsø, about how we can spread the message out to those who can be part of us. It is an issue of demand in many contexts and in virtually all industries. How do we get the end users? To take the choices that can change the industry. The other way around.
Speaker 2:Quite an exciting talk. Exciting talk, but about what you say about innovation and business, so it's also an issue that we're going to dive much deeper into and go much more in depth with in the coming time, where we have some exciting guests with Absolutely. And about innovative, innovative products, companies and such in the industry yes.
Speaker 2:And it all is somehow connected because innovative products or innovation in the craft, sustainable construction. I really enjoyed making a series that deals with these biogenic materials. I saw that it has just been shared from Realdania's side or, with their publication, that it has been made what is called the building material pyramid, which gives a quick overview of which building materials have a high or low CO2-impact, which is super cool. But I really like to make this series where we somehow got exposed from many different angles and maybe a overlap of different industries and such, with a focus on the dug materials to the dug materials, ie these biobased building materials. I think that would be super cool to go much deeper with, Absolutely, which would also be a bit of an extension of my talk, som jo også ville være lidt I en forlængelse af min snak, både med Henrik fra Woodfiber og Jonas fra Nikolova Aarhusø.
Speaker 2:Men der kunne jeg også godt tænke mig at få meget mere fokus på de her private byggeherrer eller byggeherrer som I siste ende er dem der træffer valget, om de vil rive et hus ned eller om de vil renovere eller hvad de vil. Men også lidt, måske kommuner, som jeg kan se, er begyndt nogen I hvert fall er begyndt at interessere sig og kigge I en retning af at bevare og måske renovere de bygninger, de nu har stående.
Speaker 2:I've started to be interested in and look in a direction of preserving and maybe renovating the buildings they now have standing which can be used reasonably, but also I've worked with biobased and circular building materials. But yes, here it could actually be insanely interesting to get. There are several different industries that are overlapping here, as in the talk with Jonas over at Sø there we talked about, for example, land use would be a good match in relation to, hey, a lot of areas used some marks to grow. Then there's something like our marine environment.
Speaker 2:Then it would be cool to get maybe someone like I've mentioned him before Alexander Holm from the Dyrske Team in relation to how our marine environment and the potential of the ocean for the construction of the world and biomaterials.
Speaker 3:And is it all?
Speaker 2:fucked up now in relation to the land use.
Speaker 3:I think we should let the ocean be a little.
Speaker 2:I think we should let the ocean be a little bit. Yes, but listen, what we talked about was muslin shells and some kind of tang, for example, that has been thrown up on.
Speaker 3:No, I'm sure I don't know shit about it, so it's just a little too funny to say it. But yes, mega interesting, Extremely interesting subjects.
Speaker 2:So I will just make a statement for an event, or whatever you want to call it, that Realdania has invited me, to, which I myself have invited myself to on behalf of Vodkast, to get a little smarter. It is Realdania who has invited me to a dialogue meeting called Way to Biobased Building.
Speaker 2:Veje til biobaseret byggeri, og det er åbent for alle og det er også muligt at deltage online. Det kommer til at finne sted I København og det er fra kl 13-16 den 30. September I år 2024. Og de skriver sådan her hvad skal der til for at flere biogene materialer 16-30 September in 2024. And they write like this what should be done for more biogenic materials, such as halm, tree and tang, to find their way into Danish homes and buildings? We are investigating this in the effort to build a biobased building, and you can be a part of it. So I think it's very certain that you should participate if you are interested in this, and we will, of course, also share it in the podcast. I think yes.
Speaker 3:May I just come in with something here just a moment, while I remember it. Yes. Have you heard about that bunker? Have we talked about that before? No, no, that bunker that. Didn't you also talk about that? That one where there was a bunker for sale yes, an old Christian bunker with. I think I heard that in that Kasper Franks podcast. He said it was something like 38 buildings or something.
Speaker 2:I think I've heard it several times. It's a huge bunker. Yes, I know what it is.
Speaker 3:But I also heard that there was a I don't know how much you talk about it in Bæredygtigheden, but Kasper is talking about a company that specializes in building bunkers. Oh. That could also be a little funny.
Speaker 2:Yes in extension of Prepper the whole Prepper talk.
Speaker 3:Yes, in extension of Prepper, the whole Prepper talk. I don't know how it is. I think today it's more private people who build bunkers for whatever, but there's just been a lot of talk about that profane the whole Prepper vibe.
Speaker 2:Yes, but how would you be? Would you build your own bunker? And there are also different what should I say? Stages of what kind of Nod situation you're in.
Speaker 3:Yes, I imagine I don't think we've talked about that before, but I don't think most of you know there are bunkers all around Copenhagen where you can play. Do you think we should talk about this?
Speaker 2:Now we don't have a Munden or a Sofus Chamon or someone else who sits there and looks at us.
Speaker 3:It's just based on our own thoughts. We need our own researchers. That's nice.
Speaker 2:right now, you can say I mean we've talked about it before, but that could definitely be I don't know which angle we should have it on or how it would fit into the content plan.
Speaker 3:Now I just want to bring it in.
Speaker 2:But what's funny is that the way we've built before I mean all this prepping it's actually just back to how we've done before Our maybe best parents have lived. It was like you were hungry. You had a victory room, du havde et viktorial rum hvor du havde opbevaret mad og gemte til tider hvor du købte ting på tilbud, du slagtede, du gjorde. Vi har jo levet og bygget vores huse. Hvis du kigger på huse fra en bestemt tidsperiode, så er der jo et viktorial rum. Jeg har jo været ude og se på et hus and built our houses. If you look at houses from a certain period of time, then there is a vectorial room. I have been out to see a house which I can remember we also talked about in the podcast that had an atom-secured basement, where many built houses that are built today are built to what many people are preparing for right now A crisis time.
Speaker 2:Absolutely With urtihavers and like to be able to provide yourself with hens and so on. It's just like most people have lived or live today.
Speaker 3:It's just like that Most people have lived or are living today it has people, yes, yes, yes, and you can say now we're asked to prep Also from what, should I say, the authorities' side but it's for three days. Most people can get ready in three days. I mean, in the old days, as you were also talking about, it was like well, now I'll just be ready if a crisis comes in a few months.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes.
Speaker 3:So now it's like three days fuck.
Speaker 2:But the challenge now is that most of them are really bound up on their phones, their card, their phones, their cards, their entire internet system.
Speaker 3:That's just when I can see it as the most problematic is that, of course, electricity can go. What's the matter with that? And you know what is it. But if, for example, the whole Apple Pay DanCore thing becomes, if it's not possible to use your money, what the fuck would you do?
Speaker 2:What are you worth then? It's good that you have the bank full of money.
Speaker 3:But it's just a number that's written there. If you can't buy anything, yes.
Speaker 2:Or if you don't have any value. I could imagine that various farms with or also just ordinary households that have chickens or something and have eggs and maybe have their own drinking water. It's a huge resource in a time when there's no water or if there's no access to food or anything. Huge shout out to participating in Realdania's Dialogmøde until September. And it was just a little, because all of a sudden we're on the other side of the summer vacation. And then yes, then the calendar followed again.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:But speaking of this with housing, I also did so like to make a series about preservation value or just generally, our Rionet building market in relation to the building, our whole housing market. The market has improved in relation to the construction industry, our entire housing market.
Speaker 2:Again to create some information for the private users of the construction industry. It could be. You could invite some. Let's just take one part of it. There are so many sales annoucers for property managers that sell a reason with a house on it that is fully functional and fails nothing. It can be that it has to be passed through and optimized, but it doesn't fail. Otherwise it can be that it is sold or that it is announced as a building block. Why is it at all legal to announce a fully functional house as a building? I don't understand. And his talk with the Danish Owners Association, or the whole rhetoric around self and permanent ownership, the whole rhetoric about self and fixed property is also a form of it's at least part of making people. What should I say?
Speaker 2:It's a mark on people's perception of this on an unconscious level. Why don't they get on the line with some stricter demands to the whole rhetoric? Why don't they get on the same page with some stricter demands to the whole rhetoric, because I understand well if you, as a single-staged self-taught painter, start to say and make up, then it can have a great importance for your income, I think. But on the other hand, I also think you should also dare to go ahead sometimes and put the bar higher.
Speaker 2:And be like hey, we're not going to sell something here as a building if the house doesn't fail or something.
Speaker 3:Well, I can say, people can still just buy it and throw it down, even if it's not announced as a building.
Speaker 2:It shouldn't just be legal. I think it shouldn't. I just think there should be some form of that you should, you should apply for it, that you, in turn, should be able to prove that it's wrong or something To tear it down.
Speaker 3:It could be very interesting, because right now I have no understanding of.
Speaker 2:I've never really been to the housing market or looked at it that way so I don't really have any insight into how it works, then you have to find a house. That, yes. Then you have to find a house that fits your needs, instead of finding a reason and then just build from your needs. I don't know If you buy a house, you have to build from your potential.
Speaker 3:You have to build a 27-story income center, For example.
Speaker 2:another perspective is that it's much more beneficial economically in relation to the bank to tear down and build new things and lend money to it. You get much more økonomisk I forhold til banken og rev ned og bygge nytt og låne penge til det. Du får meget mere I gåsøgn for pengene ved at gøre det end at renovere. Det er jo et problem I sig selv. Jeg forstår godt tankegangen I forhold til den private køber af et hus, men der er jo nogle kæmpe aktører I det her.
Speaker 2:Og det burde bare ikke være okay at gøre.
Speaker 3:Nej, okay, det vil vi gerne høre mere om.
Speaker 2:Ja, jeg synes det kunne være sindssygt spændende at dykke ned I hvert fall.
Speaker 3:Er, du med på programmet?
Speaker 2:Det kunne for eksempel være, hvis man kunne, is there more on the program? It could be, for example, if you could prove that you could, that you could borrow, that there would be more value in borrowing to renovate with biobased materials, or more climate-friendly than the climate-heavy materials yes, that makes sense. That would make super good sense. Yes, is there anything else you think thinking we should quickly get into?
Speaker 3:I was just thinking about a little idea. I mean a little inspired by. I think I've mentioned it many times, so I don't think, if you've listened to it before, you know that we both hear it here and it's going well right. They often have that little fun like a week's what's it called A week's house, or a week's wine, or a week's dog. Too funny. We could also have a week's building. Yes. Where you take a building. Yes.
Speaker 3:And if there's something interesting I'm just thinking it could be anything that tower in Næstved. I don't really know what it is, why it was built, what the fuck is the point of it.
Speaker 2:You could go back and hear our architecture, pearls.
Speaker 3:You could go back and listen to our architecture pearls. We have at one point talked about making an episode with Drausholm Slot. We don't have it up on the Bæredygtig.
Speaker 2:Byggeri Uddannelsnivå, but just a very interesting episode about a certain building, an exciting building.
Speaker 3:Just for the history of it, or it's built out of some special material.
Speaker 2:Of course, I think there should be some buildings that have a little twist.
Speaker 3:I would really like to. Then it could be a way for people to come and say it could be really cool to hear about. I know a little bit about it.
Speaker 2:Like, for example, what is it called the Natural History Museum? That I think was quite exciting. Another building we will hopefully visit is the renovation of Nationalbanken, which is also a very special building yes, and peaceful, yes, and in the whole series.
Speaker 2:I personally think it could be quite interesting and dive a little into our royal house and the climate king. I think, completely personally and completely objectively, that it could be exciting to hear, helt personligt og helt opriktigt, at det kunne være spændende at høre hvordan de vedligeholder deres slotte, nogle spændende fortællinger om måderne det er bygget på osv. Det kunne være nogle udvalgte, selvfølgelig, af deres residentes Hvad hedder det? Af deres bygninger.
Speaker 2:Ja, Men yes, it could be. It could be quite interesting. It's just a pure curiosity that I think such an subject is exciting, but also in relation to how you, how you renovate and we maintain old buildings. I mean, they've made some materials that can last for many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many many many, many, many, many, many, many many many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many.
Speaker 3:A little retrofitting theme Moon Spookery could you call it yes, I'm sure it could also be those royal castles but now it's. Storbelsbroen or something where it's like you could also make it once in a while.
Speaker 2:Moon, spookery yes, moon Spookery maybe. Yes, well, but, but otherwise it will be. There will be a couple of weeks over the summer where there will be some summer holidays, but there will still be published episodes and that will, for example, be an episode where I come with my recommendations for podcasts, other podcasts, other podcasts. It can be books, series or anything else you can be good at, of course, within the subjects we deal with here in the podcast. But I have searched many ways and have been inspired from many places lately and I would really like to share a little about it in an episode.
Speaker 2:På det seneste, og det vil jeg rigtig gerne dele lidt om I et afsnitt. Så det er noget jeg vil prøve at dykke lidt ned I I de afsnitt der ligger lige midt I sommerferien, så man på en eller anden måde kan bli inspireret til noget andet, godt lyttestoff eller læsestoff når man ikke kan bli beriget med et afsnitt af vores podcast, when you can't be bothered with an episode of our podcast, we're super happy for everyone who listens. It's so cool to know that there's a lot of support from you who listen, and also a big thank you. We're also starting to get applications about which topics? Yes, and also a big thank you. We are also starting to get applications about which topics, which guests and such we can invite to the podcast, and you just have to join us. So mega cool. Maybe we should make it round that we have had sponsors on Few.
Speaker 3:Yeah, shout out to few.
Speaker 2:Yeah, shout out to few, and what's with our sponsors is that we always want to hear from you too, if you know anyone or if you're in a company that would like to support my podcast like this. The only requirement we have is that it should be able to agree with the values that we also try to put for the day here in the podcast within the topics we deal with. So, with that as a thumb rule, so, yes, you are always welcome to write or write out. Yes.
Speaker 2:And otherwise, to those who are now on summer vacation already, I just want to wish a good summer and then, yes, good work to all of us.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes that's great, then I can see the tour again. See you, see you.